i). To carry on the business and also to develop , aid , advise, assist finance to protect and take up thewelfare of the Scheduled Tribes, Scheduled Caste population in the state in respect of Housing, Marketing,Agriculture trade, Education, Social Economic, Fishery, Animal Husbandry, Medical, Co-operation,Irrigation, Art & Culture buildings, Roads, Water supply forest, Dairy farming, Area development etc.whether owned or conducted by the Government, Statutory body, Company , Firm or individuals and to provide them with capital, credit moving resources and assist for the conduct of their work and business to enable them to develop and improve their methods of manufacture, management and their technique of production educationally. To take up construction of roads, buildings, bridge and maintenance of such developmental works and own any agricultural farm or unit or any activity for demonstration or training or for commercial or industrial purposes.
ii) To enter into contract with and take up indent from the Government of India and the state Government in all their Departments and Corporation and subsidiaries and branches and from any agency or officer hereof , having the necessary powers for fabrication , manufacture, assembly and supply of goods , materials and equipment to every description and to arrange for the performance of such contracts and indent by sub-contract or place order in respect thereof, or services or processing in connection therewith or such managerial services as may be necessary for such contract and indent to have goods materials , articles and equipment fabricated , manufactured, assembled and supplied.
iii) To plan , formulate and execute projects and manage administer such projects including establishment of processing or manufacturing facilities, which in the opinion of the company are essential for the furtherance of the objects of the Company or beneficial to the interest of the Company.
iv) To take over from the Government of Manipur any of its Infrastructure development works