MTDC- The Organization

The Manipur Tribal Development Corporation Ltd. (MTDC) was established in the year 1979 and was registered under section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956 on 21st June, 1979, bearing Registration No. 1776 of 1979-80 dated 21-06-1979. The Corporation is an ISO Certified PSU under the Government of Manipur with ISO 9001:2021 Certificate no.:: 32010-A01 Quality Management System and OHSAS 18001:2021, Certificate no. :: 32010-A111 Health &Safety Management System

Its aims at, in a nutshell of a comprehensive and conclusive development of the tribal peoples in the State. The Corporation is an autonomous body administered by the State Government through its Tribal Affairs & Hills Department. Fully aware of the need for systematic development of the tribal peoples, the number being the highest among the northeastern States, the Manipur Tribal Government has no earmarked funds for the Corporation. However, with its limited resources, the State Government could not avoid various constrains in its all-out effort towards better developmental initiatives earmarked for the tribal peoples in the State.